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Achieve Longer, More Luscious Lashes with Latisse

Achieve Longer, More Luscious Lashes with Latisse

A great set of eyelashes works to define the shape of your eyes and bring attention to the them, which are often among a person’s best features. But not all of us are blessed with thick, luscious lashes. For residents of Tomball, Texas, the team at New Life Wellness and Medical Spa offers an outstanding treatment that delivers thicker, fuller eyelashes that last.

Why are my eyelashes so thin?

While we often think of eyelashes in aesthetic terms, they actually have an important function in preserving our eye health. Your lashes help protect your eyes from debris. Each time you blink, your eyelashes sweep across your eyes, sometimes trapping airborne particles that could irritate or damage delicate eye tissues. 

Just like the rest of the hair on your body, eyelashes grow in stages, including an active growth phase, a resting phase, and a shedding phase. That means some of your lashes are going to shed naturally, as part of the normal growth cycle. 

Genetics also affects the thickness and length of your lashes. If your close family members have thin or short lashes, you might also have a less full lash line than you’d like. 

Of course, the way you treat your lashes can also have a direct effect on their condition. Using false eyelashes or getting lash extensions can damage your natural lashes, causing them to break or fall out before their time. 

How can Latisse® create thicker lashes?

Latisse is the first prescription medication approved for increasing the length, fullness, and color of eyelashes. It uses the same active ingredient as a medication formulated to treat glaucoma.

When eye doctors prescribed this medication, they began to notice that patients were not only achieving improvements in their glaucoma, but they also developed thicker, fuller, and darker eyelashes. 

Latisse is believed to work by lengthening the active growth phase of eyelashes. This means there’s more time between growing new lashes and eventually shedding them in preparation for another round of growth. A longer active growth phase means you’ll have more lashes growing at once, and growing for longer periods of time. 

How long does it take to see results from Latisse?

Latisse treatment is simple and straightforward. You simply use the provided thin brush to apply a line of the medication along your upper lash line. The process is similar to putting on eyeliner, although Latisse is colorless. 

If you wear contacts, you’ll need to take them out before applying Latisse, and wait for 15 minutes or so before putting them back in. Single-use applicators help reduce the risk of infection. 

If you have a history of eye health conditions, be sure to let your New Life Wellness and Medical Spa practitioner know prior to beginning Latisse treatment. Some conditions are not a good fit for Latisse. 

It takes 16 weeks to see the full results of Latisse treatment, but many people report noticeable improvement within a shorter time frame. Adhering to your treatment instructions is an important part of achieving optimal results. 

Ready to get started?

If you’re excited to boost your eyelashes without the hassle of falsies or the expense of extensions, reach out to the team at New Life Wellness and Medical Spa to book a visit and explore Latisse in greater detail. You can set up your appointment by phone or through online booking as soon as you’re ready to begin a journey toward lush, thick lashes. 

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